EM SHOP 国际化订购服务已开通,目前已支持英镑、美元、港币、离岸人民币及泰铢结算方式。
收货地址 | 额外运费 |
🇨🇳大陆地区(除吉林、黑龙江、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆、西藏) | 免运费 |
🇨🇳大陆地区(至吉林、黑龙江、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆、西藏) | 10 CNY |
🇭🇰香港特别行政区(部分地区仅支持自提) | 100 CNY起 |
🌍国际地址(含澳门特别行政区、台湾地区) | 300CNY起 |
🇭🇰香港特別行政區目前已開通送貨上門服務,若您在填寫地址時,無法勾選您所在區域,請選擇“其他”,我們會安排包裹派送至離您最近的自提點。 自提包裹到貨時僅會透過電子郵件通知,所以請閣下在下單時務必完善個人資料,並填寫郵箱資訊。 您也可在下單前與客服溝通自提點訊息。
若您收件地址为国际地址(含澳门特别行政区、台湾地区),您在选择指定收件区域后,正确用英文填写收件地址。国际地区运费规则:目前国际速运服务由EMS International 提供,且单件包裹起始重量为1kg,若您订单数量超过该重量,则需额外支付续重运费,具体收费规则需参考您收件地址所在国家地区。


支付方式 | 交易手续费(订单总额) | 注释 |
离岸人民币 轉數快FPS | – | 仅限香港转数快FPS用户。请在支付后联系页面右下角客服按钮,并提交支付凭证。 |
港币 轉數快FPS | 1% | 仅限香港转数快FPS用户。请在支付后联系页面右下角客服按钮,并提交支付凭证。 |
英镑 Stripe / PayPal | 6% | 该支付额外收取6%交易手续费,此支付方式退款手续费无法退回,请悉知。请在支付后,联系页面右下角客服按钮,并提交支付凭证。 |
泰铢 PromptPay | 3% | 该支付额外收取3%交易手续费,此支付方式退款手续费无法退回,请悉知。请在支付后,联系页面右下角客服按钮,并提交支付凭证。 |
美元 数字货币-USDT Zelle Wise | 3% | 该支付额外收取3%交易手续费,此支付方式退款手续费无法退回,请悉知。请在支付后,联系页面右下角客服按钮,并提交支付凭证。 |
- 国际 EMS International 订单无法提供“隐私面单”服务,且包裹注明内含“Health Care Product”或“Supplement”;
- 国际化订购商品不提供“安全标签”及中文二维码说明书服务,您可在收到商品后咨询在线客服索取中文电子使用说明书;
- 国际化订购需准守您所在国家个人合理化商品进口规定,且您可能需要配合海关对所进口商品进行申报或缴纳关税;
- EM SHOP仅负责出口端商品报关及邮寄服务;若您所订购的商品由于地址错误、丢包、或退回,请您及时与网站客服协助处理;
- 国际订单自下单之日起1-3个工作日内发出,并提供EMS Tracking No. 可用于跟踪包裹物流信息,包裹物流受始发国及途径(国家、地区)影响,可能存在更新延迟;
- 国际EMS时效非EM SHOP可控因素,目前无法提供具体时效范围,一般以发出后30个工作日可送达;
- 若您有使用大陆第三方转运服务,您可在EM SHOP正常下单(无需额外添加国际EMS运费)并结算支付,EM SHOP可为您邮寄到第三方大陆转运商地址,此后由转运商为您提供转运服务。
1. Use a Third-party shipping provider from Mainland China to Overseas address, Free Shipping.
In this case, you would need to find one third-party shipping provider, they will offer a Mainland China address for you to fill in on our EM SHOP site, we will ship your order to the designated Mainland China address, and they will ship to your country.
2. Shipping to HongKong, with extra charge of 100 CNY, some area require self-pick up.
3. EMS shipping with International address, including Macao, Taiwan.
For this options, you can order from our EM SHOP site with any address, with extra fee for EMS International shipping.
Kindly reminder, EnvoyMeds complies with all local laws of import and export, we are only responsible for exportation from our end, for all import / custom issues will need to be handled from your side. Order will ship out 1-3 working days after payment, and tracking No. available when shipped out.
Supported Payment Method
Pay by | Fee | Note |
Offshore CNY FPS | – | Limited to FPS Users, Please select the payment method and pay then contact our Online Representative and offer payment proof. |
HKD FPS | 1% | Limited to FPS Users, Please select the payment method and pay then contact our Online Representative and offer payment proof. |
GBP PayPal / Stripe | 6% | There will be a 6% Services Fee of order total amount charged by Stripe, for this Fee charge is NOT REFUNDABLE. Please select the payment method and pay then contact our Online Representative and offer payment proof. |
Thai Baht PromptPay | 3% | There will be a 3% Services Fee of order total amount charged by Stripe, for this Fee charge is NOT REFUNDABLE. Please select the payment method and pay then contact our Online Representative and offer payment proof. |
USD Zelle Wise Digital Currency – USDT | 3% | There will be a 3% Services Fee of order total amount charged by Stripe, for this Fee charge is NOT REFUNDABLE. Please select the payment method and pay then contact our Online Representative and offer payment proof. |
For more information about International Order, you could reach out to our Customer Service, we are happy to help.