请仔细阅说明书并按照说明使用或在医生与药师指导下购买和使用。Please read the instructions carefully and use according to the instructions or purchase and use under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist.
根据所获取到的组合,28天内每日按时按量完成服用,有助于保持药物浓度并实现成功阻断。 TENO-EM+ Myltega(Doltutegravir):每日同一时间,各一粒,共2粒。 Ricovir-EM/Tenvir-EM+ Myltega(Doltutegravir):每日同一时间,各一粒,共2粒。 Tafero-EM+ Myltega(Doltutegravir):每日同一时间,各一粒,共2粒。 According to the combination, taking it on time and in the right amount every day for 28 days will help maintain the drug concentration and achieve successful prevention. TENO-EM+Myltega: Take one pill each at the same time every day, for a total of 2 pills. Ricovir-EM/Tenvir-EM+Myltega: Take one pill each at the same time every day, for a total of 2 pills. Tafero-EM+Myltega: Take one pill each at the same time every day, for a total of 2 pills. |
注意事项 Tips |
1. 服药2周后应对肝肾功能、血常规、尿常规做一次筛查,以检测药物副作用情况及对身体的影响。 2. 完成28天阻断后,应在1个月及3个月后筛检HIV判定阻断效果。3个月后检查结果为阴,可判定阻断成功。 3. 服药期间请勿再发生高危行为。如有,应从高危当天起重新计算阻断周期。 4. 服用1小时后呕吐,应及时重新服用。如呕吐情况超过1小时,请判断是否有药物吐出并考虑补服。 5. 如遇漏服应及时补服,如漏服超过24小时,下次应正常服用而不应该加倍。 6. 如你需要在服用PEP期间使用其他药物,请提前进行药物相互作用查询,在确保无相互作用的情况下合理使用。 1. After taking the medicine for 2 weeks, you should do a screening of liver and kidney function, blood, and urine to detect the side effects of the drug and its impact on the body. 2. After completing the 28-day taking, you should screen for HIV after 1 month and 3 months to determine the prevention result. If the test result is negative after 3 months, it can be determined as successful prevention. 3. Do not engage in high-risk behavior during medication. If did, the 28 days cycle should be recalculated from the day of high risk behavior performed. 4. If you vomit after taking it for 1 hour, you should take it again. If vomit after more than 1 hour, please determine whether the drug has been vomited and consider taking it again. 5. If you miss a dose, you should take it again in time. If you miss a dose for more than 24 hours, you should take it normally next time instead of doubling it. 6. If you need to use other drugs during PEP, please check the drug interactions in advance and use them accordingly while ensuring that there are no interactions.
副作用 Side Effects |
PEP的主要副作用为肠道反应,如恶心、呕吐、腹泻;神经症状包括失眠、多梦等。阻断药只需短期内服用,严重且不可逆的器质性器官病变发生率很低,服用期间应做好副作用监测。The main side effects of PEP are intestinal reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; neurological symptoms include insomnia, dreaminess, etc. Drugs only need to be taken for a short period of time, and the incidence of serious and irreversible organic organ lesions is very low. Side effects should be monitored during use. |
产品储存 Storage |
开启后请原瓶储存,保存在30摄氏度以下无阳光直射,不需要放冰箱;如需额外分装至小药盒也应尽快使用。药瓶开启后应尽量在3月内使用完毕以保证药效稳定。After opening, please store the original bottle at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius and away from direct sunlight. No need to store in refrigerator. If you need to divide the bottle into small medicine boxes, use them as soon as possible. After opening the bottle, try to use it within 3 months to ensure the stability of the efficacy. |
如您还有更多关于PEP使用的疑问并希望了解更多,可登陆EnvoyMeds官网,或与我们的人工客服取得联系。 感谢您对防艾工作所做出的贡献,让我们一起携手迈向世卫2030“0艾滋”目标。 If you have more questions about the use of PEP and want to learn more, you can visit EnvoyMeds official website or contact our customer service. Thank you for your contribution to AIDS prevention. Let us work together to move towards the WHO’s 2030 “0 AIDS” goal. |